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Sanctions: EU bans Belarus from flying and landing

The European Union does not leave the forced landing of a Ryanair plane unpunished. Among other things, the new package of sanctions against Belarus includes an EU-wide flight and landing ban. The 27 heads of state and government agree on this at the EU special summit. Therefore

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Digital EU passport should come on June 1st

The CoV crisis restricts all of our lives. The desire to travel increases with increasing duration. Now EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is holding out the prospect of a way out of the dilemma: the “Green Pass”. Go

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EU traffic light should end the patchwork quilt

A uniform traffic light system is intended to simplify travel within the European Union in the future. After lengthy discussions, the governments of the member states agreed on the proposal of the EU Commission. It won't get any easier, however, because in terms of

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