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Austria: Tourism, gastro and Co remain closed

Unsurprisingly, the Austrian federal government announced on Monday that there will be no easing for the time being. Although they want to decide on possible further steps on March 1, 2021, but in the direction of tourism, gastronomy, culture and

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Buzz: Court missed Ryanair more wags

Ryanair received another setback against competitor Wizzair in court in Hungary. After the issuance of an injunction which prohibited the use of the Buzz brand due to a risk of confusion, the competent court has now confirmed the

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Spain tips 206 layoffs at Ryanair

The Irish low-cost airline Ryanair is not allowed to lay off 206 employees in Spain for the time being. The government banned the company from undertaking this, pointing out that statutory provisions were not being complied with and the carrier was only paying social security contributions

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