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Turkey clearly limits Belavia

Belavia, the state airline of Belarus, announced that with immediate effect it will no longer carry citizens of Syria, Yemen and Iraq between Turkey and Belarus. Boarding should be denied to them. Affected can

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Japan: AUA flies politically persecuted top athlete

The top athlete Kristina Timanowskaja, who was under massive pressure from the Lukashenko regime, was flown to Austria on Austrian Airlines flight OS52. The Japanese and Polish authorities rebooked them from the LO50 flight connection at short notice. With the

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USA: No more air travel to Belarus

The United States is also sending a clear, if only symbolic, signal to Belarus. The US Department of Transportation bans the sale of airline tickets to Belarus. Above all, it is a symbolic step because there are direct flights between the two

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Ban: Belarus locks Ukraine out

Airplanes that took off in Ukraine or want to land there are no longer welcome over the territory of Belarus. This is the answer to the Ukraine's airspace ban, because the country has undergone a spell

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Except for Belarus: Austria lifts landing bans

The Austrian federal government has lifted the landing ban for passenger aircraft that took off in Brazil, India, South Africa or the United Kingdom without further communication. The four named states are considered as so-called virus variant areas, which is what the

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Belavia has to clear route network

The Belarusian airline Belavia is discontinuing the lion's share of the routes. The route network last comprised 30 destinations, but due to the restrictions of EU members and other countries, only nine destinations can be served. Affected are in

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