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Amsterdam: IATA sues against Schiphol restrictions

Under the guise of "environmental and noise protection", the Dutch government wants to reduce the capacity of the country's largest airport. Not only airlines, but also the International Air Transport Association (IATA) are up in arms. The latter also wants to take legal action against them

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Heathrow fees: Airlines and airport remain at odds

The largest airport in the United Kingdom wants to compensate for the loss of earnings due to the corona pandemic with higher fees. At the first attempt, the British Civil Aviation Authority did not approve the planned extent. It got more expensive - for

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IATA estimates corona-related losses at $ 200 billion

According to association estimates, the CoV pandemic will bring immense losses of more than 200 billion dollars to the international aviation industry. For this year, a minus of the equivalent of 44,7 billion euros can be expected, according to Willie Walsh, the

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IATA: 60,2 percent decrease in 2020

The world aviation association IATA found that in the previous year 60,2 percent fewer passengers were carried. A total of 1,8 million travelers and 2.986.993 million passenger kilometers were counted worldwide. It's the biggest slump since

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