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From Monday: Mückstein tightened Austria's entry regulations

As early as Monday, December 20, 2021, Austria's Minister of Health Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) will tighten the entry regulations. In the future, 2G will apply, whereby a negative PCR test must also be submitted without evidence of a booster vaccination. There are exceptions for schoolchildren and commuters.

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Austria bans passenger flights from six African countries

Austria's Minister of Health Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) announces that the Covid entry regulation will be renewed on Friday. This will include a non-stop transport ban for some African countries, according to the Federal Ministry in a media statement. “We are fighting in Austria

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FFP2 compulsory in Austria: Who cares?

Since September 15, 2021, FFP2 masks are again mandatory on flights to / from Austria. Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) has prescribed it that way. In practice, however, this is still little known and is becoming more diverse even among flight personnel

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