WKO welcomes stricter rules for Airbnb rentals

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The private rental of rooms and apartments will face stricter rules. On Thursday, February 29, 2024, the EU Parliament adopted the planned “Regulation on the collection and exchange of data on the rental of short-term accommodation” by a majority.

The regulation establishes a framework for data exchange between platforms and public authorities. The registration requirement for all hosts, including private hosts, who want to offer their accommodation on platforms, which has long been required by the industry, will also be anchored.

“This is a milestone in the new regulation – the issuance of a unique registration number that every short-term rental company will have to provide on websites in the future. These registration requirements not only enable data collection and transparency in non-commercial online rentals, but also the fight against illegal offers,” said Johann Spreitzhofer from the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, welcoming the decision.

Symbol picture EU Commission (Photo: EU Commission / Yügen, Aurore Martignoni)
Symbol picture EU Commission (Photo: EU Commission / Yügen, Aurore Martignoni)