The world of tourism has many facets. Package tours, charter flights, hotels, cruises, rail travel, bus travel and much more.

The “Tourism” section offers a comprehensive overview of current developments in tourism. One or the other insider tip is also presented. This section also provides extensive reports on trains, buses and ships.

Tip: Under You will find this link exciting Trip reports and here we give valuable Travel Tips.

The world of tourism has many facets. Package tours, charter flights, hotels, cruises, rail travel, bus travel and much more.

The “Tourism” section offers a comprehensive overview of current developments in tourism. One or the other insider tip is also presented. This section also provides extensive reports on trains, buses and ships.

Tip: Under You will find this link exciting Trip reports and here we give valuable Travel Tips.


Too many corona cases: Aidanova cancels cruise

The German shipping company Aida has to cancel the cruise of the “Aidanova” due to numerous corona cases among the crew in the port of Lisbon. The passengers, who mainly come from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, are to be flown out on Monday.

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Vienna: New managing director for DDSG tourist ships

The tourist ships of the Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft, DDSG Blue Danube Schifffahrt GmbH, will have a new managing director, Wolfgang Fischer, on February 1, 2022. He succeeds Barbara Forsthuber, who will take on a different position within Wien Holding.

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