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Transall C-160 came back to Nuremberg to say goodbye

One of the last Transall transport machines - with a one-off special paint job - made a stopover at Nuremberg Airport as part of its farewell flight. The tactical transport aircraft Transall C-160, because of the many aid and rescue missions also "angel of the air"

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ANA will flee the last B737-700 in June

The Japanese All Nippon Airways will flee all remaining medium-haul Boeing 2021-737 jets by mid-June 700. Two farewell flights for which tickets can be purchased are planned for June 19, 2021. Currently has

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“Golden Tiger” is exhibited in Salzburg

After more than 156.500 flight hours and almost 254.000 missions for the safety of the population, the Saab 105 OE fleet ended its operational service after 50 years on December 31, 2020. The last flight of the Saab 105 anniversary machine

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Photo report: Thank you, Berlin-Tegel!

Berliners have always had a kind of love-hate relationship with their Tegel Airport, because they never really liked the now decently run-down airport, but the majority of travelers preferred it to Schönefeld. The inner city

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