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Flight problems in Germany are increasing

In the first quarter of 2024, the number of passengers affected by flight cancellations and delays increased by 1,2 percent, equivalent to about 222.000 passengers, according to research by AirHelp. Britain leads with almost 5,8 million delayed passengers,

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Vida criticizes “chaotic conditions” at ÖBB

The ÖGB branch union Vida criticizes the fact that the Austrian Federal Railways have developed from a former European model student into a chaotic operation. This alludes to the acute shortage of personnel, which is supposedly being “downplayed” by the General Directorate.

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Taskforce to solve Marabu problems

The Condor sister company Marabu has hardly escaped the headlines since it started operations, because long delays, cancellations and a lack of care for the passengers affected are the order of the day. Now you want to take countermeasures and hope that you

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