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Austria: Campsites report new record values

Camping holidays have experienced a real renaissance since the beginning of the corona pandemic. Every year the course operators record increasing usage figures. The previous record, which was achieved in 2022, was exceeded again in the 2023 season. According to Statistics Austria

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Lower Austria: Camping still in vogue

For many people, camping is the epitome of freedom, independence and enjoying nature. There are over 50 campsites in Lower Austria - located directly on the bathing lake, with a view of the mountains, close to the city or idyllic

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Tips for the perfect camping at festivals

From the tent to the rubber boots - don't forget anything with the ÖAMTC travel checklist. The festival season has started again and to enjoy the festivals, the mobility club has put together some tips for music fans. “Best makes

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Study: Camping holidays continue to be popular

According to a current study by the German Economic Institute for Tourism, camping holidays increased significantly during the corona pandemic. Motorhome parking spaces were particularly in demand. In Germany alone, the total number has increased by over 50 percent. Of the

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Austria has more camping holidaymakers again

Camping holidays experienced a real renaissance last year. The upward trend continued this year as well. Austrian tourism also benefits from this. In this June, compared to the same month last year, with around 216.000, almost 20

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