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CMA CGM orders four more Airbus A350Fs

CMA CGM Air Cargo has ordered four more Airbus A350 cargo aircraft. The company was the first customer in 2021. At that time, four copies were also ordered. The eight machines that have now been ordered are to be

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Zurich Airport is building a new cargo hall

A new cargo hall is being built in the east of the Zurich-Kloten Airport site. The background is that the oldest buildings date from the 1950s and 1960s and no longer fully meet today's requirements in the freight business. Since more

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USA: UPS steals mail flights from Fedex

Effective September 30, 2024, the United States Postal Service is changing its service provider for operating mail flights. In the future, Fedex will no longer be the main partner, but UPS. Federal operated for around 20 years

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