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Traveling in times of Corona: ÖAMTC expert gives tips

The Covid19 pandemic is causing “special circumstances” this year, both before and during the planned vacation trip. Comprehensive travel preparation is therefore essential: You have precise information about the current regulations regarding entry and the local rules

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Delta: middle seats now remain free

The American airline Delta Air Lines remains unique when it comes to distance regulations in aircraft. Because the carrier leaves the middle seat free on board. And that even longer than previously thought: The measure will

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Malta tightened entry requirements

The Republic of Malta will implement new entry guidelines on Friday at midnight. The countries of origin are now divided into three groups, whereby it has not yet been published on which list Austria, Germany and the

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Italy threatens Ryanair to ban flights

The Italian air traffic control authorities Enac is threatening the low cost carrier Ryanair with a flight ban on all flights to and from Italy. The reason for this is "numerous violations of the anti-Covid health regulations on board aircraft," according to the authority

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Salzburg: PCR tests cost 150 euros

Safe travel in Corona times: Salzburg Airport is building a Covid-19 test station in the airport building. You can get tested every day. But there cannot be specific opening times for the time being. Because these are still based on the flight plan.

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Austria: quarantine for all returnees from the Balkans

As of Friday, the Republic of Austria will drastically tighten the entry requirements for people coming from the Balkans region (with the exception of Slovenia and Croatia). In the future, the quarantine can no longer be bypassed with a negative corona test. In the last

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Round Table: National Charter signed

On Thursday, at the invitation of State Secretary Magnus Brunner (ÖVP), a round table on the current COVID-19 situation in aviation took place in the Ministry of Transport. A national charter was signed. All domestic companies should adhere to this

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Complicated travel in times of Corona

More and more countries in Europe require online pre-registration of the planned entry. Other states make it compulsory to fill out forms. An overview. After Greece at the end of June 2020 with a new entry procedure that was introduced at extremely short

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Magnus Brunner invites you to a round table

State Secretary Magnus Brunner (ÖVP), who is responsible for aviation agendas within the Austrian federal government, convened a round table on Thursday. Recommendations for protecting the health of passengers and staff in the face of the corona pandemic will be discussed. Invited

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