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Iceland issues digital vaccination certificates

The Icelandic government rewards vaccinated citizens with a digital vaccination certificate. This should open the door to the world for them - at least in theory. Because such a document is not internationally recognized. The first evidence has already been issued

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Verkehrsbüro Group before corporate restructuring

The Verkehrsbüro Group, Austria's largest tourism group, is renovating from 2021. The first visible effects are in the boardroom: The group will in future be managed by the board duo Martin Winkler as chairman of the board and Helga Freund. Helmut Richter

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EU is working on a digital entry system

The European Commission is working with the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to launch a common EU digital entry system. This is intended to make travel between the member states even safer. "Before four

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Condor equips cabin crews with tablets

Condor is taking a step towards digitization: The cabin crews are now on the move with their own tablet, the Sky Tab. This tool is intended to optimize on-board sales and communication. Who in the future from a Condor employee by name

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Air Baltic digitizes member card

Air Baltic shows itself to be environmentally friendly: The state airline of Latvia does without plastic cards for its advantage club - members can now use all advantages on their smartphones. And thus help to reduce unnecessary plastic consumption. "The

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