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100 Lufthansa City Center travel agencies join the DRV

Around 100 Lufthansa City Center franchisees will join the German Travel Association. According to the DRV, a corresponding group agreement was signed between the franchisor and the association. Around 50 companies will join the German Travel Association. They operate around 100 Lufthansa City Center travel agencies.

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Autumn holidays: DRV records increasing demand

The German Travel Association DRV is of the opinion that the booking figures for the autumn holidays are quite positive. Destinations in the Mediterranean are particularly in demand, but more trips with their own car are still being booked. It shows

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DRV calls for a timetable for safe travel

The German Travel Association strongly criticizes the current practice of closing borders and placing crops or regions under lockdowns. DRV President Norbert Fiebig points out that the previous measures "have already caused considerable economic damage"

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DRV wants to sue the German government

The German Travel Association is preparing a lawsuit against the Federal Republic of Germany and claims that it did not provide any help. In a press release it is written that the decision of the state leadership "instinctively against the travel industry a mistake"

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AUA: Refunds are still a long way off

According to the German Travel Agency Association, airlines in Germany alone owe agents around four billion euros. Many people still have to wait for their ticket refunds because the airlines are currently being overrun with requests and

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