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Sun Express obliges passengers to check in online

The German-Turkish holiday airline requires its customers to check in online up to the day of departure and before their arrival. If this does not happen, five euros will be charged for checking in at the counter of the joint venture between Lufthansa and Turkish Airlines

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FRA: Condor starts flights to Los Angeles

The German leisure airline Condor now flies between Frankfurt and Los Angeles. The first Condor flight DE2080 took off from Frankfurt Airport yesterday at noon. On board the aircraft, with the registration D-ABUP, were around 200 passengers,

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Tui starts the Mallorca season today

In order to cover the demand on Mallorca, the airline is postponing the start of the spring and Easter seasons: the first three aircraft from Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Hanover to Mallorca will take off on February 11th. Not only for

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