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RTI debt haircut on the verge of failure

Die Pläne des designierten Käufers der FTI Group, Certares, auf einen Schuldenschnitt für das Unternehmen hoffen zu können, könnten sich zerschlagen. Laut Handelsblatt ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass der Bund die Rückzahlung der Kredite, die im

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Alltours brings FTI managers into management

Effective June 1, 2024, the previous FTI product manager Jan Mayer will join the management of Alltours. In this role, Mayer will be responsible for flight and hotel purchasing as well as the areas of finance, controlling, accounting, human resources and legal

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Leipzig: Smartwings takes over FTI Dubai charter

The tour operator FTI will in future have its Dubai charter flights from Leipzig/Halle operated by the Czech Smartwings. The tour operator is currently cooperating with Smartlynx on this route. Available travel offers show that with effect from the 6th.

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FTI and Eurowings agree on SAF cooperation

In cooperation with Eurowings, the tour operator FTI wants to offer so-called sustainable flights as part of its package tours. To this end, the new "Leisure Value Fare" was created. There is a surcharge per person and route

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