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FACC and ex-boss agree on settlement

Because of a case of fraud worth millions, the Innviertler aircraft parts manufacturer recalled its then CEO in 2016. The two parties have now reached an out-of-court settlement. It was already decided in March that the company would not receive any compensation from

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AK: The court overturns over 30 laudamotion clauses

The Chamber of Labor criticized 37 clauses - 32 are inadmissible, including the check-in fee. The AK objected to 37 clauses in the general conditions of carriage of the airline Laudamotion and was now largely right: The courts judged 32 as inadmissible,

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Croatia now also accepts rapid antigen tests

Croatia now allows a negative antigen rapid test to apply when entering from risk areas. Meanwhile, a court in the Czech Republic overturns the CoV test obligation there for returnees. From now on there is no need for a PCR test at the Croatian border

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