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Australia allows borders longer

Originally, the entry ban for foreign tourists was supposed to expire in a few days. Nothing will come of this after all: according to reports, the borders will remain closed until December. A dampening for Australian tourism. Australia has that

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Greece: quarantine obligation should fall next week

The country actually didn't want to open its borders to tourists again until May 14th. Greece would like to welcome tourists sooner: Despite the still high number of new corona infections, the quarantine obligation is to be abolished next week. That reports

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Digital EU passport should come on June 1st

The CoV crisis restricts all of our lives. The desire to travel increases with increasing duration. Now EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is holding out the prospect of a way out of the dilemma: the “Green Pass”. Go

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Spain opens its borders earlier

Spain will open its borders not on July 1, but on June 21, 2020. This does not apply to Portugal. Spain will not cross the borders with all EU countries on July 1, but on June 21, 2020

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Ukraine and Poland open the borders

Ukraine will shortly reopen its borders and at the same time allow international flights again. The country has been sealed off for about three months and air traffic with passengers has been prohibited. The government's decision is supposed to

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