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Stuttgart Airport is still in loss

Stuttgart Airport recorded positive developments in the 2023 financial year, as the airport announced. Despite ongoing challenges, including the consequences of the corona pandemic and structural changes in the aviation sector, the airport was able to record an increase in passenger numbers and

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Hamburg Airport is back in the black

After turbulent years characterized by the challenges of the Corona pandemic, Hamburg Airport is experiencing a remarkable upswing. The airport closed the 2023 financial year with a profit of 6,6 million euros, which is encouraging

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Austria's cable cars are largely profitable

Due to the comparatively warm winter of 2023/24, the Austrian cable cars had fewer operating days. However, many providers have increased prices significantly under the guise of “high energy costs”. Cast in further numbers, the Austrian cable cars reached, according to the

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Tap Air Portugal reports record profit

In the 2023 financial year, the airline Tap Air Portugal recorded a profit of 117,3 million euros. This means an increase of 117,7 million euros compared to the previous period - a new record. The operating income

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