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China: Flight bookings are skyrocketing

China's decision to finally abolish the quarantine obligation has boosted flight bookings, according to the latest data from the analysis company Forward Keys. On December 7 last year, the Chinese authorities announced that a negative

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Hong Kong has abolished quarantine for local crews

The Chinese special administrative region has not quarantined local flight personnel since September 10, 2022. However, this only applies if a negative corona test result can be presented when returning from work. Hong Kong has been particularly practiced so far

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Hong Kong shortens mandatory hotel quarantine

The Chinese Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will simplify the quarantine regulations from Friday, August 12, 2022. From this date, the mandatory isolation in special hotel accommodation will be reduced to three days. Currently, the SAR requires that you sift yourself

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China shortens quarantine on arrival

China has relaxed its strict entry rules somewhat: As of today, arriving passengers only have to go into hotel quarantine for seven days and then isolate themselves at home for three days. So far there has been a 14 to 21 day quarantine

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Entry: Slovakia abolishes quarantine for unvaccinated people

The Slovak Republic will simplify the entry requirements effective April 6, 2022. Those who have not been vaccinated will then no longer have to go into quarantine. There is also no need to fill out the electronic PLF form. Previously, people who were not vaccinated against Covid-19 were subject to

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