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Germany shortens convalescent status to 90 days

The recovered status in Germany has been reduced to three months - the Ministry of Health justifies this with the new virus variant Omikron. The background is that due to the prevailing omicron variant, there is a much greater risk after this one

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Slovenia changes quarantine rules upon entry

Changed entry requirements have been in force in Slovenia since today. According to the latest regulation, domestic quarantine, if ordered upon entry, may no longer be prematurely terminated. So far, the seven-day quarantine could at the earliest

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Germany is downgrading countries to high-risk areas

The federal government has eased the entry restrictions imposed on Great Britain, South Africa, Namibia and six other African countries due to the widespread use of the Omikron variant. The nine countries, including Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe

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