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Tip: A good first-aid kit can be valuable on holiday

A well-assembled first-aid kit is an important part of a summer holiday by the sea, especially if children, allergy sufferers or diabetics are traveling with you. Adequate preparation can help to deal with any health problems that may arise during the trip. The following will

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Lower Austria: Discover the Marchfeld by bike

The landscape of the Marchfeld with its baroque castles is a popular destination - also by bike. The "Marchfelder-Schlösser-Radeln" project is intended to use the existing cycling potential in the Marchfeld and through innovative, interesting and target groups

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Sick on vacation: The e-card is not valid everywhere

Food poisoning in Germany, a moped accident in Turkey or sunstroke in Greece: medical treatment on vacation can be very expensive. "The e-card is only valid for doctors and hospitals that have a health insurance contract," warns AK Lower Austria social law expert

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