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Italy is on strike: no one is spared

Travelers should refrain from trips to Italy on Friday. Because a planned strike paralyzes all public transport. On October 23.10 are all affected: air, rail and ferry traffic directly. Motorists are not spared either, petrol stations

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Greece is on strike again

The Greeks are doing it again: less than ten days after the first strike, the next one will follow tomorrow. The Union of State Employees (ADEDY) is demanding more money. The Greek air traffic controllers apparently also, they will support the protest action.

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September 25: All-day strike at Italy's airports

The Italians are on strike: According to the A25M crisis warning service, there will be a nationwide, all-day strike at Italian airports and the airlines Alitalia and Alitalia Cityliner on September 3. Various employee representatives have called for this. If

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