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Austria's cable cars are largely profitable

Due to the comparatively warm winter of 2023/24, the Austrian cable cars had fewer operating days. However, many providers have increased prices significantly under the guise of “high energy costs”. Cast in further numbers, the Austrian cable cars reached, according to the

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Aida cancels cruises in the Red Sea

The shipping company Aida Cruises has canceled numerous cruises planned in the Red Sea area. The background is the continued tense security situation in this region of the world. Trips planned with the Prima and Stella are affected

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Certares joins the tour operator FTI

With the investment company Certares, FTI has found a new owner who will provide the tour operator with fresh capital amounting to 125 million euros. This should put an end to the unclear situation. The

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Railway: “Rail cruises” in Switzerland

Just get in and don't miss anything. On the rail cruise you can enjoy the most popular highlights, but also lesser-known pearls of Switzerland's largest holiday canton. The Rhaetian Railway brings its passengers along on the Alpine Cruise

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