The catering company Gategroup is seeking state aid from the Economic Stabilization Fund in Germany. The European business of the Lufthansa subsidiary LSG was only taken over towards the end of the previous year.
The news magazine "Der Spiegel" reports that the Gategroup justified the application to the German WSF, among other things, with the fact that the aviation catering sector suffered "immense losses that cannot be fully compensated for on its own". The Gategroup was already present in Germany before the takeover of the LSG locations. Their brand name Gate Gourmet is better known.
Der Spiegel writes, among other things, that the German Ministry of Economic Affairs is “astonished” by the Gategroup's proposal. It should be a double-digit million euro amount. The developments over the next few days will show whether Germany will give the catering business a helping hand or not.