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Cracks: FAA has all Boeing 747-8s checked

A few days ago, the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an airworthiness directive for the Boeing 747-8. Affected are possible cracks in the area of ​​the rear bulkhead on the fuselage. The FAA currently assumes that all

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Lufthansa increases Frankfurt-Shanghai

Effective February 16, 2023, Lufthansa is increasing the non-stop connection between Frankfurt am Main and Shanghai. From this point on, Germany's largest airline will fly between the two cities four times a week. Currently the

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Lufthansa flew the Paralympics team to Beijing

On Friday, the German Paralympics team was flown from Frankfurt am Main to China by Lufthansa. The delegation was bid farewell by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at Germany's largest airport. Under the flight number LH 724

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