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Aida and Costa cancel more cruises

The shipping companies Costa and Aida have to cancel further cruises. The exit of the Costa Firenze is affected for the first company mentioned. Phoenix Reisen is also changing a cruise and sending the Amadea to Europe. At Aida are

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Cruises: Aidaluna ends winter season completely

The German shipping company Aida is completely canceling the winter season of the cruise ship Aidaluna. This should remain in port until at least March 30, 2022. The planned Caribbean trips were cancelled. According to its own statements, Aida is currently contacting those affected

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Expedition ship Fridtjof Nansen ran aground

On Wednesday morning, the expedition ship Fridtjof Nansen ran aground near the Norwegian port of Måløy. According to official information, the ship was still able to enter the port, but all passengers were disembarked. First were the passengers

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