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Lufthansa announces “possible capital increase”

The AUA parent is going on the offensive and is holding out the prospect of a possible capital increase. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the crane airline has been saving wherever possible. Without state aid, the crisis would probably have ended in a debacle.

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Lufthansa: Spohr expects growth from 2022

On Tuesday, Lufthansa held the general meeting of shareholders in a purely virtual manner for the second time in the company's history. The partners gave the go-ahead for further loans. Chairman of the Supervisory Board Karl-Ludwig Kley told the shareholders that

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Europe: Tui boss wants Sputnik V

Friedrich Joussen also knows: “We have to get the vaccination through quickly.” That is why the Tui boss advises the use of the Russian vaccine. The Russian preparation Sputnik V should at least be given a chance, said Joussen, whose main shareholder is a Russian oligarch. The

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Norwegian shareholders approve rescue plan

The management of the financially troubled airline Norwegian obtained the approval of its shareholders for further financing measures. Among other things, debts are to be converted into equity again. The issue of new shares is also intended to generate fresh money

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