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Condor: Everything depends on the commission

At Condor, the entrepreneurial future seems to be secured after Corona, a few days ago the asset manager Attestor announced that it would take over 51 percent of the shares. In order to allow the investor to get involved at all, the federal government waived

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Germany: Agreement reached on “Aviation Billion”

The German Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) promised an "aviation billion" around three months ago. Shortly afterwards it was slowed down again by Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD), because he wants the federal states to contribute financially to the rescue package.

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Switzerland: Austria no longer a risk country

Switzerland has removed the federal states of Vienna, Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Burgenland and Salzburg, which have been classified as risk areas since September, from its red list. The new regulation applies from tomorrow and lifts all quarantine requirements for travelers from Austria. These

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