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The drone revolution in Malta

In mid-June, a triumvirate made up of Handson Systems, QuAero and the German company Phoenix-Wings GmbH started a series of attempts to set up a cargo drone between Malta and the almost uninhabited island of Comino, on which only two older ones are currently

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Malta is preparing to open up to tourism

Malta, which is heavily dependent on tourism, wants to welcome tourists again on a large scale from June 1, 2021. In this context, easing will start on May 10, 2021. For example, restaurants and bars are supposed to come back

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New lockdown: Malta ticks off Easter holidays

The smallest member state of the European Union, Malta, has been in a lockdown again since Thursday, March 11, 2021. The government ordered the closure of nearly all non-essential facilities for at least four weeks. That means Easter holidays

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