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Wizz Air criticizes high fees in Germany

The German market currently appears to be of very limited attractiveness for the low-cost airline Wizz Air. However, this is not due to a lack of demand, but rather to the high taxes and taxes compared to other countries

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Germany: Easyjet sharply criticizes high fees

The low-cost airline Easyjet sharply criticizes the costs that airlines have to pay at German airports. This refers to regulated taxes and the ticket tax, which is to be increased again on May 1, 2024, in order to support the ailing state budget

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Freight shipments: ADV calls for import sales tax reform

In the run-up to the conference between the finance ministers of the German state governments and the Federal Finance Minister, which will take place on April 11, 2024, the Working Group of German Airports is making clear demands to politicians. Among other things, one demands that location disadvantages regarding

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Denmark wants to exempt domestic flights from VAT

The Danish government wants to exempt purely domestic flights from VAT in the future under certain circumstances. This puts a significant exclamation mark against the European trend, as Austria and Germany, for example, are trying to avoid unnecessary short-haul flights through additional taxes

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Galapagos Islands double tourist tax to $200

The government of the Galapagos Islands has announced that from August 2024 the so-called national park fee will be doubled from 100 to 200 US dollars. According to their own information, this is the first time they have been filming in 26 years

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