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First quarter: Dresden Airport with 145.606 travelers

145.606 passengers used Dresden Airport from January to March. Despite the more than 160 flight cancellations due to strikes, this corresponds to the level of the same period last year. In March, the number of passengers increased by around compared to the same month last year

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Easter 2024: Dresden and Leipzig expect PAX rush

For Easter, a total of 129 passenger aircraft will take off from Central German airports from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday - 46 at Dresden Airport and 83 at Leipzig/Halle Airport. In addition to holiday regions on the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the Red Sea and

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Summer 2024: News in Dresden and Leipzig

With up to 56 weekly departures to 14 destinations, Condor is once again the number one holiday airline at Leipzig/Halle Airport. New to this summer flight schedule are the destinations Jerez de la Frontera in southern Spain and

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