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Düsseldorf Airport reaches ACA Level III

Düsseldorf Airport was recently able to achieve the so-called Airport Carbon Accreditation in the third level. According to a statement from the state airport of North Rhine-Westphalia, these are said to have been received for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The current aim is to:

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Summer 2024: SAS increases flights to Germany

The Scandinavian airline SAS intends to fly more frequently to the German airports of Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Stuttgart in the summer of 2024. From Copenhagen, SAS plans to operate up to 2024 weekly Berlin routes in the summer of 16. Away

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Charter: Albawings serves Pristina-Düsseldorf

On behalf of a tour operator, the Albanian low-cost airline Albawings will also operate non-stop flights between Pristina and Düsseldorf from January 17, 2024. These are charter flights that are only available via the client, but not via the homepage

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Eurowings relies on Sita baggage tracking

The low-cost airline Eurowings has signed a five-year contract with Sita for real-time tracking of luggage. This will help improve passenger baggage transportation, streamline baggage handling and reduce the overall cost of misdirected baggage

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