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IATA: Traffic volume is approaching pre-crisis levels

According to the latest figures from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), 2023 percent more passenger kilometers were sold in March 52,4 than in the same month last year. The traffic volume is said to be 88 percent of the level before the corona pandemic

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Language trips are enjoying high demand again

In the previous year, language trips were in much greater demand than in the Corona years 2020 to 2021. According to an analysis by the Association of German Language Schools and Language Travel Organizers, the turnover of the organizers was able to match the level of 2019.

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Tourism in Thailand on course for recovery

Tourism in Thailand made a surprisingly strong recovery from the coronavirus crisis last year: 11,15 million foreign visitors came to the Southeast Asian country. 202, when there were far-reaching travel restrictions due to the pandemic, it was only

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