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Fiji: CoV entry rules no longer apply

On February 14, the government of the island state of Fiji announced that all corona entry rules would be lifted in the future. As a result, people without full vaccination protection are also allowed to enter the country, and there is no obligation to take out travel health insurance. 

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From April 7: Fiji drops quarantine

In Fiji, twice vaccinated people can go on vacation without quarantine in two weeks. So far, there is still a three-day quarantine period after entry. From April 7th, on the other hand, a rapid antigen test will be in one after arrival

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Fiji Airways is celebrating an international comeback

The corona pandemic and the associated tough requirements by the government of the Fiji Islands forced Fiji Airways to pause the international route network for an extremely long time. On December 1st the time had come: the carrier resumed international flight operations

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Fiji Islands before tourism comeback

The Fiji Islands want to reopen to fully vaccinated tourists towards the end of the year. The Ministry of Tourism is currently working with the hoteliers on a concept for the comeback of the industry, which is so important for the small state. "Til today

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