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Europe: Tui boss wants Sputnik V

Friedrich Joussen also knows: “We have to get the vaccination through quickly.” That is why the Tui boss advises the use of the Russian vaccine. The Russian preparation Sputnik V should at least be given a chance, said Joussen, whose main shareholder is a Russian oligarch. The

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Tui is restructuring the corporate management

The travel group Tui is restructuring the group management with effect from January 1, 2021. The board of directors approved the changes on Tuesday. The finance department will be headed by Sebastian Ebel, who is currently also the airline's supervisory body

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Tui plans 2021 percent capacity for 80

The tour operator Tui gives a first outlook for 2021: The capacity should be around 80 percent of the level that was in the program before the corona pandemic. CEO Fritz Joussen hopes for a quick recovery, with

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Handelsblatt: Tui is facing a capital increase

The travel company Tui, which has been hard hit by the corona crisis, is apparently about to raise its capital. The Federal Republic of Germany has already helped out with loans in the billions on two occasions. Now you want between 700 million and one

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