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ECJ: No nuisance, no compensation

With two recent decisions, the ECJ made it clear that compensation for flight delays is only due if the passenger is actually affected by the delay. In the first case (C-474/22) a passenger booked a flight from

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Car rentals: German law can also apply abroad

Additional fees are often hidden in the small print of the terms and conditions of commercial car rental companies, which can sometimes cost a lot of money. For example, almost all providers charge a processing fee for forwarding traffic tickets. Depending on

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VKI lawsuit: HG Vienna repeals 48 time-sharing clauses

The Association for Consumer Information (VKI) had sued Hapimag AG because of inadmissible clauses in the general terms and conditions of its timeshare contracts. Hapimag is a stock corporation based in Switzerland that offers its members holiday homes, apartments and hotels

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