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Roman Wetli becomes CIO of Hotelplan Group

On October 1, 2021, Roman Wetli will take over the role of CIO at Hotelplan Group. He will replace Pablo Castillo, who will be leaving the company at the end of September. The Board of Directors has Roman Wetli, previously Director Engineering

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Belpmoos Reisen revises company concept

The Bern-based company wants to realign itself. Belmoos Reisen has been really busy in the last few months. First the Corona crisis hit the travel specialist until the then managing director threw in the towel. In February, José had to

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German Airways has a new handler on board

German Airways has signed a service contract with the Cologne-based company German Aviation Service (GAS). The service provider will in future handle all German Airways and German Airways Private aircraft throughout Germany. GAS, for over 25 years

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In March: Southwest retrieves 737 Max

Boeing's largest 737 Max customer is planning the comeback of the crisis aviator this year. Almost three months after the re-admission, Southwest will soon be using the unfortunate aviator again. The machine should be used regularly from March 11, 2021

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