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Germany: Traffic Court Day dealt with aviation for the first time

For the first time, the German Traffic Court Day also dealt with legal questions relating to air traffic. A separate working group was formed for this purpose, in which experts from the various areas explore the area of ​​tension between the protection of sensitive information and the interests of criminal prosecution

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Eurowings Discover: Cockpit Association accepts offer

The German pilots' union Vereinigung Cockpit accepts the Lufthansa management's offer to enter into collective bargaining regarding the subsidiary Eurowings Discover. The employee representatives welcome the initiative. “VC and the Lufthansa Group are now on their way in

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Lufthansa puts “Cityline 2” on hold

Lufthansa has put the "Cityline 2" project, which was intended to serve as a low-cost platform for feeder flights to Frankfurt am Main and Munich, on hold. This emerges from an existing internal communication to the workforce. The project

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