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Lufthansa: VC withdraws strike call

The Lufthansa pilots' strike announced for Wednesday and Thursday has been called off. The "last-minute negotiations" are said to have led to a breakthrough. Both sides are still silent about the result. It can be assumed that details are still to come

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Eurowings: Union cockpit members vote for strikes

At Eurowings too, the Vereinigung Cockpit pilots’ union is increasing the pressure on the management, because in the ballot, 97,7 percent of the members decided in favor of possible strikes. According to VC, 90 percent of those flying for Eurowings

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Unions increase pressure on Eurowings Discover

The unions UFO and Vereinigung Cockpit, among others, are increasing the pressure on the management of the airline Eurowings Discover. Since, from the point of view of the employee representatives, the management should brace itself against collective bargaining, one can imagine that

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