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Hans Airways withdraws AOC application

Things have been quiet around the airline startup Hans Airways for a long time. The last official communication was from 2022. It has now been announced that the application for AOC and operating license has been withdrawn. It's probably been around for a long time

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Klagenfurt: Lilihill withdraws lease agreement

The politically controversial lease agreement for non-operational areas between Klagenfurt Airport and a Lilihill sister company was cancelled. This was confirmed by Governor Peter Kaiser (SPÖ). The lawsuit brought by the state-owned investment company KBV would thus have become irrelevant.

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EASA has ended Preighter era

So-called “preighters” have been history in the European Union since August 1, 2022, because EASA has not extended the exemption rule that has existed since spring 2020. This is no longer considered necessary. At the start

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