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Aeroflot and DAE Capital reach agreement

Dubai-based leasing company DAE Capital has agreed to a settlement with Aeroflot. The Russian carrier will pay around $118 million to Lessor. This is intended to compare the insurance claims. The United Arabs

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Cargolux and unions agree

An agreement was reached with the OGBL and LCGB unions at the cargo airline Cargolux. Among other things, this stipulates that salaries will be increased by an average of 5,5 percent. Furthermore, indexation protection was provided for the salaries

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UFO: Condor wants to abolish arbitration board

The cabin crew of the German holiday airline Condor will in future receive more money at the end of the month. The Verdi and Ufo unions, in cooperation with the staff representatives, have concluded a new collective agreement with the carrier. Among other things sees

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