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Flughafen Zürich AG held its general meeting

A few days ago, Flughafen Zürich AG held its periodic general meeting of shareholders. All of the Board of Directors’ proposals were approved. In addition to the usual dividend, the partners should also receive an additional profit distribution. In focus

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ABTA general meeting confirms board of directors

At the regular general meeting in Vienna last Thursday, the existing leadership of the Austrian Business Travel Association was unanimously sworn in by the association members for another term of office. The association team of President Roman Neumeister and the

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Zurich Airport can reduce loss

After a very challenging first half of the year with low traffic and passenger numbers due to the pandemic, a recovery began in the second half of the year. Nevertheless, Flughafen Zürich AG is not paying a dividend this year. The focus of the General Assembly

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Pilatus: Hansueli Loosli elected as new President

On the occasion of the Pilatus General Assembly, Hansueli Loosli was elected as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors. The General Assembly also elected two further members: Martin P. Furrer and Mario Rossi. The long-time Chairman of the Board of Directors Oscar J. Schwenk had decided to

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