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Israel is closing the borders again

Only a few weeks ago, after a long border closure, Israel reopened to foreign tourists. That is the end of it, because because of the Omikron variant, which first appeared in southern Africa, the borders are being closed again.

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Australia allows borders longer

Originally, the entry ban for foreign tourists was supposed to expire in a few days. Nothing will come of this after all: according to reports, the borders will remain closed until December. A dampening for Australian tourism. Australia has that

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New Zealand wants to revise entry regulations

New Zealand wants to keep its borders closed to non-citizens until at least December 31, 2021, with a few exceptions. Then there should be a step-by-step opening, with a full vaccination against Covid-19 becoming a prerequisite, according to the head of government

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Lockdowns: Qantas boss Joyce is fed up

Qantas boss Alan Joyce seems to slowly no longer have any sympathy for border closings and lockdowns in Australia. He is now publicly calling for the measures to be lifted. The airline is reacting to the recent lockdowns that

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Saudi Arabia announces opening of the borders

International air traffic to / from Saudi Arabia is currently severely restricted. The government wants to lift the extensive ban on May 17, 2021, provided there are no setbacks in terms of the corona pandemic. This would be fitting for the low-cost airline Flynas

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Tyrol: German police are expecting to use dirt roads

For commuters working in Bavaria and Tyrol - and vice versa - it will be more complicated from next week, because the state government around Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) is putting tough entry regulations into force. These are quite discriminatory because

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