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Myanmar admits vaccinated tourists

After almost two years of lockdown, Myanmar is reopening to vaccinated tourists. However, they cannot enter the country without being in quarantine, because a one-week isolation has to be started. This is likely to cause this destination to fail among vacationers

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Entry: Aruba abolishes Corona documents

From March 19, 2022, entry to the Caribbean island of Aruba will again be possible without proof of vaccination or tests. Only an electronic entry form must still be filled out and presented to the authorities if requested. This opens up Aruba

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New Zealand lets the first tourists enter

New Zealand has largely sealed itself off for around two years due to the corona pandemic. Now the gradual opening to tourists is beginning. Holidaymakers from neighboring Australia make the start. Since April 12, 2022 allowed

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Lithuania abolishes G-Rules upon entry

Coming from other EU countries, Lithuania again allows all persons to enter the country without further proof and quarantine. No vaccination, recovery or test certificate is required. The 3G rule has also been largely abolished within the country. Only from so-called

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