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Aeropers emphasizes the unity of the Edelweiss pilots

Since the end of January 2024, Aeropers and Edelweiss have been negotiating a new collective employment agreement for pilots. The Aeropers pilots' association has called for improvements in the ability to plan social life and a sustainable financial perspective. Despite it

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Swiss reactivates Tel Aviv flights

Swiss International Air Lines is reactivating passenger flights to Tel Aviv on April 26, 2024. The decision was significantly influenced by a clearer picture of the situation compared to the previous week. Swiss continues to monitor the situation closely

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Flughafen Zürich AG held its general meeting

A few days ago, Flughafen Zürich AG held its periodic general meeting of shareholders. All of the Board of Directors’ proposals were approved. In addition to the usual dividend, the partners should also receive an additional profit distribution. In focus

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Swiss reactivates Tel Aviv flights

The airline Swiss reactivated non-stop flights between Zurich and Tel Aviv (Ben Gurion) on April 16, 2024. For security reasons, the Swiss carrier, like most other airlines, has taken action due to the attack

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